
Boldo Doctor implements the iHub Doctor model and adds information relevant for availability.


The Doctor Resource provides the following endpoints:

  • Get /doctors
  • Get /doctors/:id
  • Get /doctors/:id/availability

List Doctors

Search for Doctors and List Results.

GET /doctors

Configuration is the same as iHub Resource. Addition:

Return Value:

  • nextAvailability: Date

Doctor Detail

Show details of a Doctor.

GET /doctors/:id

Configuration is the same as iHub Resource.

Doctor Availability

Show availability of a Doctor.

GET /doctors/:id/availability

Access Level: Public

Parameters (as query params):

  • start: Date
  • end: Date

Return Value: Doctor Details and List of availabilities.

{, availabilities: [Date, Date, ...], nextAvailability: Date }

start and end parameters are the search window for availabilities. If start is in the past, it will be set to the current time, and the distance of both dates can be maximum of 31 days.